Friday, September 2, 2016

Podcasts: "Reading" an Audio Text Through Applying Critical Thinking Skills

While a significant aspect of reading involves making sense of written language, it's also important to support students as they learn how to make sense of audio language.

Many students are not audio learners, so podcasts provide an opportunity to develop this skill set as a facet of whole child literacy (reading, writing, speaking, listening, and viewing).

You Are There is a a CBS radio show that was developed between 1953-1957. As historians, students examine different sources.  This podcast can be used with other primary and secondary sources related to specific events in history. Below, you'll see some great podcasts from many commonly explored historic topics.

Here are the different episodes as podcasts,
You Are There: Radio Podcasts (84 episodes, usually 26-28 minutes each)

Scaffolds that might be needed:
1. an outline of the episode and stopping to check for understanding at different parts of the episode. Students might capture the big ideas (aka take notes) as the podcast takes place
2. teach challenging vocabulary that exists in the podcast
3. opportunities to process ideas in different ways (for example, identify a critical idea within this section and draw a cartoon in a story-board that communicates the key idea within the story)
4. provide opportunities to connect with the concepts that support the use of an episode

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