Thursday, October 24, 2013

Establishing a Common Process for Analysis

Analysis is a complex skill.  Analysis balances the acquisition of content knowledge with critical thinking. Analysis is used to empower students as thinkers so they effectively develop deeper, more complex understanding.  Often, the skill of analysis is applied to a variety of sources (including charts, graphs, maps, or a myriad of primary sources).  As we create learning experiences that engage students in 21st century skills, analysis has the potential to elevate critical thinking and reasoning and information literacy.

To effectively apply this skill, students need opportunities to 1) see the skill modeled, 2) practice the skill with the class, 3) practice the skill with a peer, and 4) practice the skill independently.  Along the way, students need clear feedback that reinforces their effort and provides recognition. Students need direction that points them farther down their path towards independent analysis.

Jeffco's Critical Thinking Guide describes analysis as:

If we know that analysis is a complex process, and we know that complex processes must be broken down into smaller parts...then maybe it would be helpful to break down the process of analysis into smaller parts.  By creating a common process for analysis, we empower students to bring their own thinking to the process of analysis, which allows every learner to develop deeper understanding.  In the end, it's the thinking that matters.

A Sample Process for Analysis

Overall, teachers are encouraged to see this as a place to begin when analyzing different sources with students.  While this is presented as a linear process, students will find that independent practice involves all three steps often taking place at once. Using steps in the process is considered a scaffold until students "own" the skill of analysis. Over time, it's important to model and elevate the nuances of analysis to raise the level of rigor that we expect out of students. What ideas do you have about effective analysis? Please comment and share your thinking

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

For Students, Collaboration Might Bring Fear: Talk About It

As we look to make our classrooms more collaborative environments, we have to set expectations. Our goal is to create a classroom culture that embraces collaboration as a foundation to learning.

Simultaneously, we have to acknowledge the barriers that might cause students to shy away from collaborative experiences.  Remember when you were a kid?  Sometimes you had to work with someone who might not have been in your peer group, and it may have been difficult to begin sharing ideas.

Collaborative communities take chances and are willing to exchange ideas with others who are different from us.  Maybe we should embrace that fear...that barrier...and talk about it so we can reach new understanding about the opportunities that might exist when we invite students to destroy their own barriers.

This video might provide teachers with a story that can be used to discuss the hard truths about collaboration (and the exchange of ideas):
  • What's difficult about collaboration with people who we feel are different from us?
  • Why might people struggle to collaborate with different peers?
  • What might be the benefit of collaborate with people we might not know very well?
  • What is this man's super power?  How might his super power help you to think about goals when engaged in collaborative experiences?

And if you like a different spin on using a video to talk about diversity in your class, your kids may like this little video with  Herman Munster singing "It Takes All Kinds of People."

Using Google Maps to Collaborate

While Google Earth is a marvelous tool to examine places on the earth, Google Maps is the perfect tool for collaborative experiences.  This tool is perfect for collaborative work among teachers, and for collaborative work among students.  This brief video (5:48) is created by @MrBrianBobbit to easily show how you might use Google Maps.  As you watch, consider these questions and offer your insights in the comments sections:

  1. How might teachers use Google Maps to collaborate and create tools to support student learning? 
  2. How might students use Google Maps to collaborate and share thinking and learning?
  3. What historical information (people, events, locations) might be mapped? 
  4. What geographic information might be mapped?

Friday, October 11, 2013

The BEST First Step: Modeling and Think Alouds

     If I could go back in time to the start of my teaching career, there are many things I would change.  I'm sure many teachers would do the same thing.  We learn so much through the years about teaching and learning, and the process of reflection always reveals how we might do things differently.  As reflective practitioners, we are constantly refining and adjusting.  As reflective practitioners, we constantly revisit our mission for education: the achievement of ALL students.  As reflective practitioners, we embrace the idea that there are always ways to improve.  As reflective practitioners, we know that assigning tasks without instructional support is simply keeping students busy...but with instructional support, students are empowered as thinkers.

I wish I could go back and improve my instructional support by including, as much as possible, modeling and think alouds.
What evidence do I have to back up my claim?

I'm going to pull all of my thinking from Douglas Fisher and Nancy Frey's book Better Learning Through Structured Teaching: A Framework for the Gradual Release of Responsibility (2008).
  • "The gradual release of responsibility model of instruction suggests that the cognitive load should shift slowly and purposefully from teacher-as-model, to joint responsibility, to independent practice and application by the learning." (p. 2)  When I think of this quote, I realize that modeling and think alouds are the best first step in shifting the cognitive load to students.  Too often, we begin learning activities by simply assigning tasks.  We use phrases such as 1) you're going to do this, or 2) remember to do this next, or 3) you need to make sure that...  We want students to succeed, but we forget that a crucial scaffold for their success involves inviting students into our brains to see how we think.  Consider how phrases within a think aloud or model differ from what I just mentioned.  In modeling or a think aloud, we use phrases such as 1) I notice that, or 2) when I see this, it causes me to think about, or 3) as I think, I also ask this question. The shift in language is important because it shows students what is going on inside our heads when we use "I" versus assigning a task using "You are going to."  The modeling and think aloud experiences are used intentionally to support students as we (teachers) shift the cognitive load to students. 
  • "In the gradual release of responsibility model, the focus lesson is the modeling phase. For a focus lesson to be effective, teachers must clearly establish a purpose and model their own thinking." (p. 4) The purpose for a lesson may involve a variety of goals, including skill goals, conceptual goals, language goals, and/or social goals.  All students succeed better when they know what the thinking or work looks like.  When we model or engage in a think aloud connected to the goals, we have set a clear purpose and provided the proper scaffolding for students.  As we move through the classroom to formatively assess their ability to implement the stated goal(s), we can start to determine what students need more support in the application of a skill or the application of conceptual thinking.  If we don't spend time at the beginning intentionally modeling or doing a think aloud, it's possible that we'll see far more students who need support with our intended goals. Thus, we might have a skewed vision of who needs support because we never took the time to model the thinking in the first place.  Modeling and think alouds prepare students for their tasks and allow teachers to see, with greater accuracy, just who is having difficulty with the thinking that's needed in their work.
  • "Focus lessons are not intended as a time to ask students questions. During the focus lesson, the teacher should model his or her thinking and not interrogate students about their thinking.  As such, the teacher should use a number of 'I' statements, such as 'I think...' or 'I wonder...' or 'I predict...' ...Of course, the teacher asks students to talk with a partner to practice the skill or strategy of the focus lesson following the teacher modeling. The important thing to remember is that students need modeling - examples - that they can incorporate into their habits." (p. 18)  We must stop assigning tasks and asking students to play the game of, "Guess how you're supposed to think."  We want students to think, therefore we must constantly show them how we think.  Consider this, would you ever put an 18-year old in a car and ask them to drive without modeling the proper skills and thought processes that are needed?  NO, because that's insane.  That is DANGEROUS!  What if we thought of teaching that way?  What if we don't show students the thought processes that are needed for the skill tasks and conceptual tasks we ask them to do?  While it may not feel dangerous, it definitely doesn't prepare them appropriately.  
Since I can't go back in time, I'm asking you to do it for me based on everything I now understand about teaching and learning.  Change just one more effective and consistent in your use of modeling and think alouds. 

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

What is "writing to learn"? What expectations might I need to establish and model?

Today, we know a lot more about teaching and learning than we did just ten years ago.  One key strategy we must use continually is writing to learn.  It's easy to say that writing takes place in all contents, the question is...Are you incorporating WRITING TO LEARN with INTENTIONALITY?  Writing to learn allows students to explore thinking and to comprehend deeply.  Writing to learn allows students to keep track of their thinking and to effectively share clear thinking .

Take a peek at this video from the Teaching Channel to see more informal writing to learn in action. 

Writing to Learn - The More Formal Type
Sometimes we incorporate formal opportunities for writing to learn.  With students, teachers establish expectations and model the thinking that's needed for more formal writing to learn experiences.  More formal writing to learn experiences are probably planned in advance.  So students are successful, teachers may find that they need to revisit expectations and continue to model how thinkers pull together their ideas for more formal writing to learn experiences. Some examples of expectations that might need to be established and modeled for more formal writing to learn experiences include:
1) Choose words wisely (use accurate, precise language)
2) Use content-specific, academic vocabulary
3) Consider your purpose and audience
     -to describe an object or event
     -to support a position or opinion
     - to explain a process or sequence
     - to summarize ideas
4)  Summarize ideas effectively
     -create a main/central idea statement when appropriate
     - capture the "big ideas"
     - support claims with evidence
     - support thinking with clear reasons
     - eliminate small details
     - include your lingering questions
5) Use drawing, charts, graphs, and tables to support your ideas
Writing to Learn - The More Informal Type
Frequently, teachers offer more informal opportunities for students to use writing to learn.  These experiences potentially take place on a daily basis and may be planned or impromptu.  Students might need informal write to learn opportunities to jot down their thinking related to an essential question, to write an exit slip from class, to collect ideas/information related to a topic, or to explain how their thinking has changed related to a skill or process.  These are just a few ways that informal writing to learn takes place in class, yet all opportunities are grounded in the thinking that we are asking students to do. These more informal opportunities allow teachers to see into the thinking of students while allowing students to pull their thoughts together, clarify their own thinking, and connect the dots in their learning. With students, teachers establish expectations for this type of writing and model what it might look like.  Expectations are established so the informal opportunities support a student's ability to be organized and their ability to communicate effectively with writing while continuing to elevate academic vocabulary. Some examples of expectations that might need to be established and modeled for more informal writing to learn experiences include:
1) Choose words wisely (use accurate, precise language)
2) Use content-specific, academic vocabulary
3) Consider how information is organized or how ideas are shared
     - use graphic organizers
     - use titles, headings and subheadings
     - use bulleted or numbered lists
     - use charts and tables
     - determine how to effectively show cause and effect
     - determine how to effectively compare and contrast
4) Determine if words, phrases or sentences are necessary